Wednesday 14 April 2010

Ramblings of the fool…


Some people say:


“what is to come must always come,

be it your knowledge or not.

what is to pass must always pass,

be it physical, bonds or even thoughts.”


then some say:


“if so why we bother to live in full,

knowing that our lives have all but set.

are we to just live strictly to the rule,

to the rule of some divine entity name Fate?”


yet i believe life harbours a divine purpose,

for the wise or the foolish, or the rich or poor.

to live is to work towards something

that might last beyond the clutches of hell,

when the flesh would one day fail.


to wait patiently for Time to run its course,

is the only thing i can do.

for even God loves and cares for the sparrows,

what more would He do for this sinful fool?


call me naive, call me a fool,

tell me that i don’t deserve it all;

i’m may be the worse among the pool.

yet i shall rejoice and rise from this fall,


let others say they’re better, that they stand up tall.

let my soul say, i was at the highest

when to my knees i fall.

let my soul sing, i am loved

even if the world hates me to the core. 


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