Saturday 2 May 2015

Oopss...I did it again


Yeap. It was pretty awkward. The situation wasn’t helped by the fact that my fingers were biting into my palms, yet I felt nothing. I was sure someone striding past me could hear the sound of my heart rampaging against my rib cage, and the fleeting thought of you hearing it slipped into my mind at the same time.


I have always knew what I wanted to do. Pushing to the very limits of my cognitive capacity, I have played out the scenario to bits multitude of times, running the simulation in the comfort of my own imagination, playing out all the same outcome and response. The good ones, of course.

See you tomorrow?

I thought I could be slick and smooth, but I wasn’t so sure anymore. Not after seeing your fidgeting lips and those mysterious eyes. I swear those eyes could drive anybody looking into them crazy. They seemed to tell a whole lot of things, and I felt I understood them, but then again I was too fearful to know for sure, as if my senses were dented and incapacitated.

You have always tend to overthink.

And I let go; I let the rescinding doors receive you into the box, I let the worst of me getting the best of us, I couldn’t do it. And as you retreated I thought I saw a pang of disappointment in you, masked by the weariness in your eyes. I looked away, and almost instantly regretted it. Turning around, I caught a glimpse of your parting smile before the doors closed upon any hopes of second chances. I hated myself; my weakness, indecisiveness and foolishness. I did it again.

Have YOU learnt nothing?

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