Monday, 4 April 2011

You’re Not Listening Yet.

I would not brag that I know it all, seen it all, heard it all. For always and often, pride comes before you fall. I don’t claim to understand how my fellow Muslim friends feel, or understand whenever they see their Holy Scripture being threaten, or being derogated in any ways. But I know that not in my lifetime I wish to see the Holy Bible is being molested in any method thinkable.

People are different. Hence beliefs and faith are different. How are we, and who are we to coerce others to follow what we believe in?? If you feel justified believing in what you believe in, don’t others deserve the same respect for their judgement??

I do understand, that authenticity is highly valued, especially in the world today, where the fake is as real as reality itself. Mind you, I held fast to my belief that my God is the one true god. But that doesn’t leave my fellow friends’ God lesser than mine. To them, their God is as holy as my God to me. Being disrespectful to their God, is a testament of my weak faith towards mine.

You can burn all the Korans you like. You can prosecute all the unbelievers you like. You can say anything you like. You can incur all kinds of propaganda for all you like. If there’s anything worth learning from history, the more you burn, the more it spreads. Nazis burnt the bible, yet it remains the most printed book on earth.

It was written, Love your enemies. I presume from my lesser wisdom that it includes accepting what others are for just who they are, doing onto them what you wish them to do for you. Certainly, I don’t want them to burnt my Holy Scripture!!

Shame on you, if you believe that’s your calling, If you believe that is what God calls you to do. You’re not really listening yet.

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