Monday 16 December 2013

Falling Into Heaven: The First Noel

Against the backdrop of a chattering office, he cautiously filled out his next day schedule, trying to put his mountain load of assignment and tasks into the best possible order. He didn’t like it one bit; the monotonous, chrome-like routine that he has to put up everyday.

Life, was drained out of him, gradually.

Marking the weekends in blue, he sighed in resignation. He’ll have to finish up the contract by Saturday night and rendezvous with the client the following evening.


That thought came too soon, as Richard waltzed in cheerily, declared that it’s Happy Hour for everybody from the department.

“I really don’t mind…but Big Big Boss will be there,” Richard rejected his notion outright with his slightly emphatic puppy eyes.

“Wha…Since when we have a Big Big Boss?” he queried, thinking that this was just another trick play Richard pulls out of his sleeve.

“I ain’t doping ya, dude,” a friendly slap descended upon his weary shoulders before continuing, “You gotta be there.”

Before he could state his case,  Richard walked away briskly, before pausing momentarily and shot him a warning look, ”PERIOD. The attorney has no permission to state his defense.”


Finishing up work for the week, he joined the others on the chartered limousine and headed to who knows where. There’s ALWAYS somewhere to hang out, something to go wild over, As if something in programmed into the human nature just to intoxicate oneself, once in the while. That’s the only way that people like them can forget and lose themselves in a huge mire of nothing-ness. Nothing to stress about. Nothing to worry. Nothing to be depressed about.


“Here,” once in the vehicle Dyke shoved these little satchels into everybody’s hands.”These are top grade stuffs,” he smirked, before adding,”You won’t know what hit you till you’re done. I MEAN IT.”

He played along and took the substance the usual way. But the drug was so potent that the next hour or two his vision was just kaleidoscopic, his head was so light headed as if he’s stuck in a dream state. He could feel himself stumbled across objects here and there, but eventually settled down on some kind of cushion, not before experiencing a weird falling sensation; he was falling through a deep  shaft seemingly made out of a myriad of colours.

Gradually, the nerve-wrecking sonic booms from the amplifiers encroached onto his skull. His brain was aching from inside out as he tries to make sense of his surroundings. Richard was dancing to the tune half-naked while Dyke was trying to sing while standing on his hands. The ladies, whose eyes furnished with absent look were frantically cheering them on. May, the receptionist, was holding the microphone for Dyke. Lindsey and Mariana were locking lips on the far end, oblivious to what was happening around them.


Grabbing a bottle of drinking water from the refrigerator, he headed towards the door, stopping only to shout into Richard’s ear. It was impossible to hear anything in that room.

“What?? All BARE?? Ain’t naked enough for you yet??” Richard laughed into the microphone hysterically.

“I said, I need some fresh air!! No…no…fresh air!!”


Taking a deep breath, he berated, “FRESH AIR!!!”

Richard showed him a thumbs up and beckoned him to leave quickly, wanting to get back to the entertainment that was rudely interrupted. He gratefully escaped from the situation, clumsily made his way out into the lounge. He bumped into several people, but he couldn’t really make out who they were.

With all his strength he made his way onto the pavement outside the lounge, and subsequently slouched himself next to a water hydrant. With a throbbing head and ringing ears, he motioned his hands to uncap the water bottle and drained the bottle dry.

On his last gulp he choked himself, and everything he took prior to that came out with it. Leaning on the hydrant, he tried to make out what was in his vomit, but his legs soon gave way. And this time he lay flat on the cold, solid  pavement.


His head started to clear after his body forcibly expunged the alien and  unnatural toxic. He tried counting the stars, but stopped  because the city lights were too bright. His eyes were still yet to fully accustom themselves after being in a dark and claustrophobic room for so long. All around him were billboards and advertisements, with lights everywhere.

On the far left, He could see that over-hyped celebrity  donning mascaras and lipsticks on a large electronic billboard. A football star was showing off his latest Rolex timepiece on a roving advert, which morphed into a hot, racy Playmate posing on a super car minutes later. He wasn’t sure about the make, but he knew he would never be able to afford any of them.


Running his arm across his eyes, he tried to erase traces of his indignity weeping over something so unbecoming of an high-flying juridical executive. But his tears won’t stop, just as how he can’t stop wasting his life away.


He could hear footsteps approaching him, which stopped right next to where he was laying. Moving his arm away,  he peered into an empty silhouette, as her waist-length hair was gently swaying with the breeze. She looked magnificent, more so because it against the bright city lights.

She offered her hand, and he, summoning all his strength, tried to reach for that glimpse of salvation. But having overtaxing himself, his strength gave out and he descended once again, down into that same shaft, but now devoid of colours and consciousness.

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