Sunday, 27 June 2010

To do or not to do…

To do or not to do is often the question, the inner struggle that everyone single soul would come to experience it at some point in life. Every decision made would result its designated consequences. No doubt, it is often than not that the consequences of our actions that worries us.

Yet making such decisions are inevitable in life. Decision-making is a seal of approval which recognises that every one of us has free will on their own. The authority over ourselves are placed in our own palms. To not make a choice between doing or not doing means that one has not fully matured.

This brings us into a very awkward situation: we are bound to suffer the consequences of our decisions, be it good or bad, yet we cannot escape the fact that we are our own lords. To remain indecisive, not making choices is the utmost delusional and self-denial state anyone could be in.

Dear readers, I am, more often than not, stranded in such a position.

If the choices presented to me are dialectic or at both extremes, life would be more easier to me. But I always find myself being tempted by things that seem not entirely bad, yet not entirely right. For example, my friends and I would sometimes joke about sex, which is normal for youngsters like us. It is a form of entertainment, and I admit, some CAN be really funny. It is only harmful to you, if somehow you can be related to those jokes. It is not simply black and white nor entirely gray. Free will might be God’s greatest gift to mankind. But it takes a lot of courage and wisdom to utilize such privilege.

I would not be surprise if those who are reading this share the same experience as I. I am so urged to do things that brings me pleasure, especially those that seem to bring no harm. What’s wrong to have fun? Nothing bad is going to happen. What’s worse is when I start to justify things I do to make me feel better. After all, its entertaining and does no harm.

To do or not to do. It is also said, “the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak”. If you feel the same, remember that you’re not alone. I guess the price to pay for free will is continuously struggle between the soul and the body. Can you lust for pleasure suppressed by your conscience in persevering to do the right thing? It is going to be a life-long battle, and it is often a lonely fight. But whatever things may come, I pray, I’ll do the right thing.

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