Friday, 17 October 2008


At times we can’t help but wonder…
How God works in this world…
Among mess things seems to be in order….
Of things that look like mud muddle…
We might never know…
Beneath it there might be some gold…
At times we can’t help it but to stand in awe…
That we prostrate ourselves,
Or at His feet we fall…
I guess I went overboard…
I thought I’m so mighty and tall…
Sometimes with my earthly strength I fought…
Thus ending up banging against an invisible wall…
Most of the time I want it all…
But I overlooked; it doesn’t worth the pain…
My efforts end in vain…
Somehow or rather when I went too far…
He pulled some strings…
And I came back into the jar…
Things happens;
Both good and bad…
Sometimes I was happy…
At times sad…
When I get into trouble…
I thought I’m dead…
I deserve to live among the rubbles…
Or in an asylum among the mad…
But God has His own way…
To make the crooked straight…
He did something that in turn we may…
Reconcile with Him and spared from the fiery glade…
He took up the blame…
Withstanding the world’s cruel claim…
And bear the shame…
For the penalty of my transgressions…
And my ideological individualism…
He risks his reputation, dignity and life…
Took my place and paid the price…
Sometimes I look out afar…
And I saw Christ…
Living in people changing lives…
Telling people where the true treasure lies…
Instead of guessing, rolling the dice…
In the end of day,
I can’t help but sigh…
In ages of terror and insecurity…
Fear had long taken flight…
To my blind heart He gave sight…
My dark days had turn to bright…
I don’t deserve it…
Though I work for it with all I might…
For I know,
Wrong is wrong and the right is right…
I often take the guilt trip…
Going in rounds and sometimes slipped…
It often gives me the creeps…
But what I need is just to complete a simple deed…
Have faith and make the impossible leap…
In every obstacles and hardship…
It’s important to follow His lead…
Till one day I’m back to the crypts…
Rest in peace and enjoy my lasting sleep…
And find myself awake in paradise…
Looking around and realize…
Heaven is a gift; not a prize…
For He had long paid the price…
To bring me back home…
A place at its best and nice…

-Bornion Crusader-


CY said...

reality is cruel~

d@v!d t3h said...

but if there aren't cruelty in this world..we wont have known wonders at all..