Friday, 18 July 2008

Making Decisions...

“Life’s about choices”…
Such a well said verse…
But each choice comes with each difference…
Whether it is a blessing or a curse…
It depends on your perception…
On how you decipher a condition…
It hunts everyone; there is no exception…
Every time we make a decision…
As an individual or as a whole…
Long it has been told…
We do not seek for our own benefits sole…
You may feel tired; and I know…
From giving out and feel not appreciated…
But whether it is accepted or rejected…
One party will feel appreciated; another dejected…
But let it not our commitment deducted…
In life it’s best not seeking to please others…
Rather strive to do the just and right…
So that we can stand up and might…
Face whatever trials and hardship and keep the light…
And bear in mind that we remain friends forever…
In my heart you hold the best interest ever…
On our path of life we shall seek the best solution…
For every single tricky situation…
To reach a mutual agreement…
And reach our final destination; everyone at their station…
With no exception…

-Bornion Crusader-


CY said...

hey! I like this one!!
hmm... very well written... ;)

d@v!d t3h said...

this is for friends who feel disorientated in life!! :)

CY said...

which means it's for me....