Thursday, 10 April 2008


First I couldn’t let things go…
With all my strength I tried to hold…
On to those precious to my soul…
I suffered from my persistence…
As well as from my over-confidence…
Now I had a lesson learned…
Some things are not meant to be reasoned…
By goners are meant to be gone…
Ties and bonds are delicate matters…
Once broken it will leave you in tatters…
Then I faith and courage gathered…
Tried to let things go n fade off…
But when I started to break off the chains…
The past comes haunting me again…
All of a sudden you came close…
But then you were like a rose…
A beauty that only the eye beholds…
But when touch the thorn prick my hands…
It hurts and bleeds; blood and tears blend…
I really don’t know how things are going to end…
My foundations are built on sand…
The rain comes and all is gone…
I want to move on…
Standing on the crossroads…
Tired and weary with my load…
Which way should I go?

-Bornion Crusader-

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