She just need to reach out her arms, but even then he seems miles apart. So static. Time flows, but seems to flow around them. She wished that moment could last longer.
“I’m going that way, what about you?”, he said while rubbing both his palms together. It was really cold, vapour escapes his trap as he spoke. Weirdly, her face was burning. She attributes it to the shot of Malibu she just drank minutes earlier.This scene seems all to familiar, almost deja-vu. She knew it but can’t say for sure.
“I gotta catch my ride on the other end…”, to her it felt like forever to concoct her response. Something seems to grow in her mind. She tries to remember, but nothing is coming back to her.
Trying to ignore that feeling, she continued, “Guess this is it?”
“Its all been too good, too good to be true…What won’t I give to stay behind?”. He chuckled as he uttered those words.
Why won’t you stay behind then?
A prolonged period of silence followed, only interjected by the noise from the traffic. He wore a look on his face like someone that is searching hard for the correct words.
“Too bad this is not what I need now. I need a reset.”
“Let’s keep in touch eh? Drop by if you happen to come over…”
Masking the fact that her tears are at the verge of falling, she remained silent and smiled back, indicating that she would.
He replied in silent, then turned to leave. As he walked away, she set her eyes on his back, getting smaller by the second, more and more unreachable, slipping away from her.
Won’t you give me one last look?
She couldn’t hold back any longer, the loss finally overwhelms her determination. Not wanting to allow herself too much tears, she wiped her eyes and look up once more.
He was staring back from afar. That moment she recalled, it was on this same street. He was walking towards her, and she towards him. The first time she met him, the first time she spoke to him, the first time she fell for him.
Looking at her from afar one last time, he smiled, waved his hands, and walked away. This time he didn’t look back again. But she was satisfied. He was thinking about the same thing too.
Standing right at the spot where everything began, everything ends. She turned around and walked away, leaving nothing but drops of tears on the grey pavement, leaving with a piece of his heart in hers, and hers in him.
*thu-thump* *thu-thump*